
"Observation Seminar on Preparation Technology of Nutritional and Functional Peanut Products" was successfully held at Jinsheng Group


    On the morning of September 24, the "Nutritional Functional Peanut Product Preparation Technology Observation and Seminar" hosted by the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and hosted by the Institute of Agricultural Products of the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Junan County Agricultural Bureau and Shandong Jinsheng Cereals and Oils Group was held at Jinsheng Group Held successfully. This conference is one of a series of activities of the Science and Technology Open Week of the Shandong Provincial Agricultural Research Institute. It aims to deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy and publicize the relevant results of the cooperation between the provincial institute and enterprises.

    Wan Mingguo, deputy magistrate of the People's Government of Junan County, Yin Jixi, director of the Agricultural Bureau of Junan County, Wang Yueming, director of the Agricultural Products Research Institute of the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Liu Yaobo, deputy director, and members of the Achievements Transformation Section of the Agricultural Products Research Institute of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Grain and Oil Engineering Team. More than 200 people attended the meeting, including experts and scholars, entrepreneurs related to peanut processing and export enterprises in Junan County, Cui Yanfeng, deputy general manager of Jinsheng Group, Chen Ning, director of the R&D center, and employee representatives.

   The event is divided into four parts: opening ceremony, expert lectures, symposium and on-site observation. The opening ceremony was presided over by Yin Jixi, and Cui Yanfeng, Wang Yueming, and Wan Mingguo delivered speeches successively.

At the seminar, Xu Tongcheng, director of the Grain and Oil Engineering Department of the Agricultural Products Research Institute of the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, first conducted the "Report on the 4th Anniversary of Cooperation between the Agricultural Products Research Institute of the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Jinsheng Cereals and Oils Group" and gave an in-depth summary of the long-term cooperation between the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Jinsheng Group. A number of achievements have been achieved since then, and long-term plans for subsequent scientific research cooperation have been made.

 Jinsheng Group and the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences have established a long-term and stable industry-university-research cooperation relationship. The two parties adhere to the principle of "integrity-based, resource sharing, strong alliances, and win-win cooperation" and rely on the scientific research technology and talents of the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The team's superior resources, Shandong Jinsheng grain and oil capital market, scientific research sites and other material support have complemented each other's advantages. They have continued to in-depth cooperation and achieved gratifying results in subject research, joint research, achievement patents, standard formulation and talent cultivation.

Subsequently, Qiu Bin, deputy director of the Grain and Oil Engineering Department of the Agricultural Products Research Institute, gave a special report on "Research Progress in Preparation Technology of High Oleic Acid Peanuts and Products", detailing the current processing characteristics and advantages of high oleic acid peanuts and the research progress of key quality indicators, in particular Jinsheng Group's high-oleic acid products meet the current consumer nutritional and dietary health needs and have broad market prospects.

After the lecture, the leading experts held an in-depth industry-university-research cooperation symposium with many entrepreneurs in the local peanut industry, conducted in-depth consultation and exchanges on the problems and difficulties encountered in production and research, and initially reached an intention to cooperate in scientific research. Finally, the group visited Jinsheng Grain and Oil Company’s high-oleic acid peanut oil seven-star process production line and peanut red-coat processing and extraction proanthocyanidin production line.

The successful holding of this event played a positive role in further promoting the development of nutritional functional special food preparation industry, extending the peanut processing industry chain, promoting the healthy development of the peanut processing industry in our province, and expanding potential cooperation space. In the future, Jinsheng Group will continue to deepen scientific research cooperation with the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences to better improve the scientific research level and industrialization level of intensive processing of agricultural products, and is committed to promoting the rapid development of the peanut processing industry chain and realizing Jinsheng Group's " "Double Seven" strategic goal.