
Jinsheng Peanut Cultural Museum grandly opens in golden autumn


      At 9 o'clock in the morning, the opening ceremony officially began. The ceremony was presided over by Zhang Qiang, deputy secretary of the Junan County Committee of the Communist Party of China. Gao Guanyong, chairman and general manager of Jinsheng Group, first delivered a welcome speech, Wang Qiang, president of the Peanut Food Branch of the China Cereals and Oils Society, delivered a speech on behalf of the experts, and Zhang Qiang, deputy secretary of the county party committee, delivered a speech on behalf of the county party committee and county government. In his speech, Gao Guanyong expressed his warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the leaders and experts for attending the opening ceremony, and briefly introduced the basic situation of the Peanut Culture Museum.

        Jinsheng Group focuses on the history and culture of peanuts and the entire peanut industry chain, inherits classical craftsmanship and integrates modern technology, and has built the Jinsheng Peanut Culture Museum with a total investment of 50 million yuan and a total construction area of 5,000 square meters. Construction began in August 2018 , mainly composed of four parts and twenty-four major sections: the preface hall, the Peanut Cultural Center, the Peanut Craft Museum, and the Jinsheng Cultural Center. It vividly embodies the purpose of promoting protection through gathering, promoting innovation through inheritance, and promoting the development of peanut culture through research. With functions such as collections, study tours, science popularization, and leisure, it provides a learning platform especially for young people to popularize natural science and humanities knowledge and cultivate the spirit of craftsmanship. Jinsheng will continue to work hard to build the Peanut Culture Museum into a well-known domestic science education base, study tour base, cultural tourism base and red education base, in order to inherit and carry forward the excellent national culture, expand and strengthen the peanut industry, and make new contributions. greater contribution.

In his speech, Zhang Qiang, deputy secretary of the County Party Committee, fully affirmed the achievements of Jinsheng Peanut Cultural undertaking. Junan County has a long history of peanut cultivation and has obvious geographical advantages. It is known as the "Hometown of Peanuts in China". As the largest and most comprehensive peanut cultural museum in China, the Jinsheng Peanut Culture Museum has set a "high-quality development of the peanut economy". The label of "culture" and the imprint of "technology" will surely make "Junan Peanut" famous throughout the country. He hopes that Jinsheng Group will continue its efforts to make the peanut industry bigger and stronger, and bring more "peanut practices" to create a "Qilu model and Junan good example" of rural revitalization.