
A research team from the Research Institute of the State Administration of Grain and Material Reserves visited Jinsheng Group to inspect the research work


     On the morning of September 27, Zhang Yongyi, deputy director of the Scientific Research Institute of the National Grain and Material Reserves Administration, Zheng Moli, director of the Scientific Research Institute of the National Grain and Material Reserves Administration, Liu Jie, assistant researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of the National Grain and Material Reserves Administration, and the Provincial Grain and Material Reserves Bureau Chief Engineer Zhang Ketan, Director of the Warehousing and Industry Division of the Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau Zheng Zhihong, Director of the Planning and Finance Division of the Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau Liu Ping, First-level Chief Staff Officer of the Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau Chen Shuliang, Municipal Grain and Material Reserve Bureau Fan Baojie, director of the Material Reserve Bureau, researcher Song Shangke, office director Chen Guoqing, and planning and industry section chief Fu Wenwei visited Jinsheng Group to inspect the research work. Zhang Qiang, deputy secretary of the Junan County Party Committee, Sun Yunxue, county leader, Chen Huiquan, director of the County Grain and Material Reserves Bureau, deputy director Zhao Guangbin, Song Lili, executive general manager of Jinsheng Group and general manager of Shandong Jinsheng Cereals, Oils and Food Co., Ltd., assistant general manager and R&D director of Jinsheng Group Chen Ning, director of the center, and relevant key personnel accompanied the visit and investigation.

    President Zhang and his party inspected the e-commerce building of Jinsheng Peanut Science and Technology Industrial Park, the Good Cereals and Oils Experience Center, the Group's Cultural Exhibition Hall, the R&D Center, etc., and listened in detail to Mr. Song's comments on Jinsheng Industrial Park planning, workshop layout, equipment technology, and the entire industry chain. Reports on series of featured products, cultural concepts, etc. At the symposium in the company's exhibition hall, we further learned about Jinsheng's development and the results achieved in the "Good Grain and Oil" action. At the meeting, President Zhang and other leaders affirmed Jin Sheng’s achievements in the “Good Grain and Oil” campaign and put forward many valuable opinions.

    In the next step, Jinsheng Group will continue to rely on the "China Good Cereals and Oils" platform, give full play to Jinsheng's status as a leading national agricultural industrialization enterprise and the market influence of "Jinsheng" China's well-known trademark, and actively develop new models and new products. Business formats, promote the rapid innovative development of enterprises, strive to become a leading enterprise of "high quality, distinctiveness, and branding", and contribute to the economic development of Junan!