
Peanuts lead the rise in grain and oil prices, and the subsequent rise in peanut oil is expected to be difficult to suppress

On May 26, a reporter from "Daily Economic News" investigated and learned that currently, the wholesale price of peanut kernels in the Shandong market, the main peanut production area, is already 13 yuan/kg, and the retail price is also around 16 yuan/kg.

     At the same time, price monitoring data from Shuangqiao Agricultural Products Market in Xinfadi, Beijing showed that the price of peanut kernels has increased by nearly 30% in the past month, becoming the largest increase among grain and oil products.     A survey report from China Grain Network pointed out that because there is still a long time before new peanuts are launched, dealers are not in a hurry to ship goods and have a strong reluctance to sell. Concerns about future supply shortages have intensified, and some large oil plants are continuing to raise prices. High acquisition price.

According to industry insiders, in the next round of possible price increases for agricultural products, oils and oil crops such as soybeans and peanuts will face certain price increases.

Prices are rising at a rate “never seen before”

After learning that reporters asked about the peanut purchase situation, Sun Qingfu, an individual purchaser in Mazhan Town, Linyi, Shandong Province, began to complain, "Since this year, Shandong has harvested too many peanuts. Now we only receive 90 tons of goods." In previous years, Sun Qingfu It can receive 6,000 tons of peanuts from farmers every year.

Sun Qingfu said that August and September every year is the time when peanuts are on the market. There is still some time before new products are launched, and we are in a period of shortage. The amount of peanuts on the market will decrease, which will lead to an increase in prices.

"Peanut prices are rising at such a rate that I have never seen before." Sun Qingfu has been engaged in peanut purchasing for 20 years. He told the "Daily Economic News" reporter that the current price of peanuts is the highest he has ever experienced.

"Since peanut varieties and production areas vary across the country, generally speaking, we can only say that the increase in the past month has been around 30%. This short-term increase is also rare in history." International Peanut Information Network Agricultural Products Investment Analysis Teacher Zhang Wei said.

Zhang Wei believes that peanuts are a commodity and an oil crop. Due to the drought in southern my country, which mainly produces oils and fats, mainly rapeseed, there may be psychological expectations of rising peanut prices in the market.

Business households interviewed by reporters from the "Daily Economic News" generally reported that peanuts have become a hot commodity recently, and farmers in the production areas and dealers in the middle are in a state of shortage.

Oil crop prices are under pressure

When the purchase price rises, the retail price will naturally "rise all boats". Xia Tongyi, a seller in Jining, Shandong Province, told the "Daily Economic News" reporter, "There are still more than three months until the new products are launched, and now the price of peanuts per kilogram is about 15 yuan."

Data show that since early May, various agricultural products, including oils, soybeans, corn, etc., have shown a wave of rising momentum.

Affected by this, the prices of some terminal products using peanuts as raw materials have also begun to rise. Xia Tongyi told the "Daily Economic News" reporter that the prices of some terminal products using peanuts as raw materials in supermarkets and various barbecue and snack bars have also increased.

Last year's total domestic peanut production decreased, coupled with large-scale acquisitions by large food processing companies after running out of inventory last year, the peanut market is currently in an embarrassing period of drought.

"It is expected that peanut prices will remain high until new products are launched this year." According to Xia Tongyi's estimation, the continued rise in peanut prices will not be alleviated until a new batch of peanuts is launched in August and September.

Guan Hui, senior strategist at Haitong Futures Company, said that in the next round of possible agricultural product price increases, oil and oil crops such as soybeans and peanuts will face certain price increases.

Statistics show that due to drought, my country's rapeseed production is expected to decrease by about 6% in 2011 compared with the previous year, which will create a tense situation for oil crops. "Peanuts, soybeans and other oil crops will be popular in the market, and there is a certain room for price increases." Guan Hui said.

Peanut price increase may affect downstream products

Liu Tong, director of the Statistics Department of Xinfadi, introduced to the reporter of "Daily Economic News" that unlike the price of raw material peanuts, which belongs to the dry fruit system, the price of peanut oil is strictly controlled by the national grain and oil prices, and the price increase will not be too large, but the price increase of peanuts will have an impact on Edible oil prices have an impact.

On the 26th, reporters learned from the Qingdao Municipal Grain Bureau that the average incoming peanut price in the first quarter was 8,238 yuan/ton, an increase of 19% from the same period last year. At the same time, the average ex-factory price of peanut oil in the first quarter was 17,474 yuan/ton, an increase of 24% from the same period last year.

Statistics from the bureau show that in the first quarter, 10 peanut oil manufacturers above designated size produced 60,306 tons of peanut oil. Affected by factors such as rising domestic raw material prices, the price of oil raw materials has been rising.

According to the reporter's understanding, since early May, various agricultural products, including oils, soybeans, peanuts, etc., have shown a rising trend. A research report from China Grain Network pointed out that most peanuts in my country are used for oil extraction, and the possibility of affecting downstream products cannot be ruled out.

Guan Hui, senior strategist at Haitong Futures Company, analyzed that soybean oil had the most dramatic increase among beans in the previous rally. Driven by soybean oil, soybean oil, soybeans and soybean meal may see such a pattern of rising prices.