
The national on-site meeting on the full mechanization of peanut production was successfully held at the Jinsheng Group Peanut Base


On September 16, 2015, the national on-site demonstration of the full mechanization of peanut production was successfully held at Jinsheng Peanut Green Production Base. Kong Liang, deputy inspector of the Department of Agricultural Mechanization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Liu Hengxin, director of the Agricultural Machinery Promotion Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, Gao Mingfei, director of the Provincial Agricultural Machinery Bureau, Yin Changyou, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, Zhang Tao, director of the Municipal Emergency Office, Cui Zhaotong, director of the Municipal Agricultural Machinery Bureau, County Party Committee Chen Yibing, Secretary and Standing Committee of the County People’s Congress, Zhao Xiping, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Chief, heads of the County Agricultural Machinery Bureau, Agricultural Bureau and other departments, as well as deputy township heads, agricultural machinery station directors, branch secretaries and representatives of major agricultural machinery households in each township in charge of agricultural machinery work More than 500 people including representatives visited the base for inspection.

At the harvest site of Jinsheng Peanut Base, more than 20 peanut machinery manufacturers from inside and outside the province conducted on-site operation demonstrations. The visitors learned in detail about the production functions and technical indicators of various machines, carefully observed the demonstrations of various machines, carefully examined the mechanized harvesting effect, and spoke highly of the operation effect.

Jinsheng Cereals and Oils Company has built a green peanut production base of 500 acres through the "leading enterprise + base + cooperative + farmer" method, and actively carries out the introduction, testing, demonstration and technical training of new varieties, new technologies, new machinery and equipment, and jointly builds bases 10,000 acres, driving more than 5,000 peanut farmers. Jinsheng Green Peanut Base implements production and management in strict accordance with green food technical standards, production operating procedures and full quality control system, ensuring the quality of peanut raw materials from the source.

Through this on-site mechanical demonstration, Jinsheng Peanut Base achieved good test demonstration results, effectively promoting the timely promotion and application of peanut mechanized production technology.