
"Linyi City Industrial Enterprise Brand Building Research Symposium" was successfully held at Jinsheng Group


On the morning of November 16, 2016, the "Linyi City Industrial Enterprise Brand Building Research Symposium" organized by the Economic and Information Technology Commission of Linyi City, Shandong Province was successfully held in the conference room of Shandong Jinsheng Cereals and Oils Group. Zhao Wenwu, deputy director of Linyi Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, and four other people, as well as Linshu County Economic and Information Bureau, Hedong District Economic and Information Bureau, Junan County Economic and Information Bureau, Lingang District Economic Development Bureau, branch directors and section chiefs attended the symposium. Wang Zhixin, chief of Linyi Science and Technology Section, presided over the meeting. The meeting mainly conducted research on the current development status and current problems and deficiencies of industrial enterprise brand building in various counties (districts). Jinsheng Group, as a representative local brand building enterprise, and nearly 50 people in charge of brand building from representative enterprises in Junan County, Linshu County, Hedong District, Lingang District and other places attended the symposium.

Cui Yanfeng, deputy general manager of Jinsheng Group, as the person in charge of Jinsheng brand building, gave a detailed report on the "Jinsheng" brand building at the meeting from five aspects: trademark design, brand development history, brand building results, brand building experience, ideas and planning. relevant circumstances. After carefully listening to the report of Jinsheng Group, leaders such as Zhao Wenwu highly recognized Jinsheng Group's industry-university-research cooperation, product innovation, brand building emphasis, and scientific planning of brand building in brand building, and encouraged enterprises to continue to increase efforts in brand building. Invest funds in brand building, innovate development ideas, and accelerate new product research and development and patent applications.

Shandong Jinsheng Group will continue to adhere to the corporate spirit of "innovating every day and pursuing excellence in everything", hold high the "Jinsheng" brand banner, gather all resources, and strive to create an independent brand with regional core competitiveness and national influence, with technology Promote the sustained and healthy development of the corporate economy.