
Participants of the on-site meeting on grassroots organization construction work in the county went to Jinsheng Group to inspect and observe

    On September 15, all participants of the on-site meeting on grassroots organization construction in the county, led by county leaders Li Honggang, Li Dianyong, Zheng Xiyuan, Wang Xuejian, and Wang Yuzhi, visited Shandong Jinsheng Cereals and Oils Group for inspection and guidance. Niu Sizheng, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and executive deputy director of the Development Zone, and Song Lili, deputy general manager of Jinsheng Group, accompanied the observation.

    All participants first listened to a work report by Sun Chonghao, member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Development Zone, on the progress of Jinsheng Group’s party building work. They visited Jinsheng Party Building Exhibition Hall, Party Building Position and Group Culture Exhibition Hall to learn more about Jinsheng Cereals and Oils Group focuses on new measures to innovate grassroots party building work, vigorously implements the "Party Flag Flying" project, and achieves a series of innovative practices and advanced experiences such as party building leading corporate culture and technological innovation. Song Lili, deputy general manager of Jinsheng Group, introduced in detail to the leaders present that Jinsheng Group has continued to make efforts in technological innovation, product upgrading, market expansion, corporate culture, brand building and other aspects in recent years, thereby achieving dual-frequency resonance and synchronization of economic and social benefits. Some specific practices for development. Participants expressed their opinions on Jinsheng Group's insistence on people-oriented approach in recent years, constantly innovating event carriers, enriching event content, and creating a unique party-building "family culture" to gather people's efforts, mobilize the enthusiasm of party members, give full play to the role of party members in demonstrating and leading, and contribute to the development of the enterprise. The measures that inject strong impetus are affirmed and appreciated.

   In recent years, Jinsheng Group has conscientiously implemented the new arrangements and requirements of party committees at all levels on implementing the "Party Flag Flying" project in the "Two New" organizations, innovating party-building models, strengthening grassroots party-building work, and insisting on "focusing on development and focusing on party building. With the working philosophy of "good party building and promoting development", we will continue to improve the level of grassroots service-oriented party organizations.

    In the next step, the group will continue to give full play to the political core and political leadership role of the party organization, effectively enhance the cohesion of the general party branch through measures such as organizational co-construction, resource sharing, and activity linkage, continue to explore new ways for party building to lead development, and integrate the party's Political advantages and organizational advantages are transformed into powerful driving forces for scientific development.